We recommend gradually transitioning to raw rather than abruptly switching. There is less chance of digestive upset. A great protein to start off with is chicken or turkey since they are lean and easily digested. The transition period will take 5-10 days. See the transitioning chart.

You may also switch “cold turkey”. Since a raw diet is naturally rich in live enzymes (good bacteria), an abrupt switch will awaken your pet’s gut microbiome. You may notice some mild GI upset or changes in stools for a couple days, but this should resolve quickly.

If you have a fussy dog or cat, or a pet that has eaten dry kibble their entire life, you can start off by introducing small pieces of raw meat to them. This can be anything you are making for yourself, just make sure it is not seasoned. Keep in mind new textures can be strange to some pets. Sometimes warming up raw meat can help entice them as it brings our the aromas.

Transitioning To Raw

Feeding Guidelines

Feeding your pet is based on breed, age, body weight and activity level. Feed between 2-3% of ideal adult weight per day, split between two meals. For puppies, feed 5-6% of current body weight OR 2-3% of anticipated adult weight split into three meals per day. Once puppies are six months old, they can be fed twice per day. Rotate proteins for optimal nutrition. Additional omega-3's such as our salmon grind, sardines, and eggs are a great additions 2-3x per week. We recommend using a kitchen scale for accurate measuring. Place bowl on the scale, zero it, then add the food. Monitor pet‘s weight and adjust as needed. Smaller pets typically have faster metabolisms so keep that in mind. You might need to feed slightly more than what the chart shows.

Oh No!

“My pet vomited after their first raw meal!” This is quite common, don’t be alarmed! Try bringing the food to room temperature by microwaving it for 10-20 seconds or a quick pan sear. Sometimes cold food can be a shock to their system. Pouring warm water or our bone broth over the food should help. Gradually phase out warming the food and they should adjust.

It's not uncommon to have some loose stools during this initial transition period, be prepared to take them out more frequently. Slippery elm bark, plain pureed pumpkin, or cooked plain oatmeal can be added to firm up bowel movements. A probiotic supplement during the transition can help as well.  Keep in mind that their body is learning how to digest this new type of food. Stick with it and you will soon see the results!

Transitioning a pet with allergies

If your pet has food intolerances or just needs a full body reset, we suggest picking one of our single protein options. Once your pet is fully transitioned, feed the single protein exclusively for at least 30 days. No treats or other food unless they are single ingredient and the same protein as what you are feeding. Example: you are feeding Pork Single Protein, your pet’s treats should only contain pork muscle meat or organ meats, nothing else. Keep treats to a minimum.

Oftentimes intolerances stem from an unhealthy gut. The goal is to rebalance the gut microbiome with an enzyme rich diet. Additional supplements can be helpful, although many products contain a long list of ingredients which your pet is likely sensitive to. Fermented foods such as small amounts of sauerkraut, Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother), and plain Kefir are usually safe and aid in strengthening intestinal walls. If you have a severely intolerant pet, we suggest holding off on supplements until you can identify their intolerances.

After 30 days, reevaluate. If your pet has improved, it is time to try their next protein. Follow the same guidelines as above. If there is no improvement you may want to consider environmental allergies as well. Be mindful of cleaning solutions, laundry detergents, fragrances, and kitty liter in your home. Some pets have outdoor allergies as well. Wipe paws daily, keep ears clean, and provide medicated baths if necessary. It’s a process. Stick with it!

We suggest working with your vet for severe cases.

If you have further questions, please contact us! We offer free guidance to new and existing customers, although if you need extensive guidance, that will require a full consultation with a small fee. Please email us to set up a consultation. roccityraw@gmail.com